In the chaos
What a crazy limbo to be living in these days. Our ministry awaits us just a few short weeks away....and our America life is coming to a close for now. Hard to believe what all has happened in the last 2 years. And I don't just mean Pandemic 2020, though that had a lot to do with where we are today.
May 19, 2020
On this day last year we were having a picnic with our friends on a sprawling hillside in Madagascar, reveling at the beauty before us and wondering when we'd be able to leave the country. We had finalized Rovan's adoption and were awaiting word that there was a flight that could take us back to the US. The US Embassy was trying to help all US citizens get home and they were familiar with our case. The airports were all shut down and we needed special permissions in order to be approved for one of the few repatriation flights available. Thankfully that week we got the good news and through a series of miracles, somehow made it back the US a couple weeks later. That story is for another time.
Today I sit in our house, enjoying the view out the window, amazed at what God has brought us through and in a simultaneous trepidation as to what is ahead. And God reminds me to let tomorrow worry about itself. For today, for right now, I will, I MUST trust that He is sovereign and He is good. Those two things give me assurance that whatever lies ahead.... He will lead us through it, and be faithful as ever before.
On Sunday our pastor reminded us that this world will never rest. After one calamity, there will come another, and another and another. Because this world is permeated with sin and is in a fallen state. But someday all of it will be redeemed. Someday in heaven we will finally, finally find true rest. Our minds can't even fathom what that will be like. But I can't wait. It's encouraging to know what's coming. To have assurance. God never promised it would be easy. But He's such a good God, and when we least expect it, He shows up and reminds us of His great kindness to us.
We've been so loved on lately by family, friends, and supporters. A dear lady decided she wanted to buy flip flops for all of our kids (you know who you are!), our extended family has gone above and beyond to help us with the house, our church here in Michigan is giving Sam and I a two day getaway before we leave, so many of you have purchased items for us from our wish list, and the list goes on.
My mind has lately been in a constant whirlwind. Today I packed a little, painted a little, sorted a little, threw away a little, cooked a little, helped Sam a little. It's been never ending. A little here and a little there. Thankfully Sam has encouraged me to get out and go on a daily walk which has helped me clear my head. Today I walked and listened to Revelation 4. Glory! That was what I needed. It's all gonna turn out fine in the end 😉
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