Third time's a charm
Well. My switch from a Weebly blog to a WordPress was highly unsuccessful as I somehow offended Facebook and they wouldn't let me post. After too much frustration, I decided to move on.
So here I am.
There's been a lot going on in our lives and in the world lately. Too much to write down. But I hope over the next while to be able to share some snippets of our life and my personal thoughts with you. I've always been encouraged by the feedback I get when I write. I don't know if it's a gift or just a good outlet for me. But I miss it. My goal is to somehow encourage others. But it is not I who can truly reach the recesses of hearts, but Christ working in me. May He guide my thoughts (and my fingers) each time I write. As I know all too well, words can either lift up or tear down and I hope to honor Him by my words.
Thanks for reading,
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